Being found on Grandioso

Featured properties

What’s a featured property ?

It’s a property, for which some visibility improvements have been applied :

  • The property is displayed with a highlight
  • The property is visible at the top of the list
  • The property is visible in dedicated sections of Grandioso, where non featured properties aren’t
How to create a featured property ?

This operation is done in 2 steps :

  1. Create a property normally
  2. When published, apply the “featured” option
How to apply the “featured” option ?
  1. Go to your dashboard
  2. Click on “properties” section
  3. Find the property you need to feature, and click on “Actions”
  4. Click on “Set as featured”

The property is instantly set as featured.

How to buy more featured properties ?

If you run out of featured properties, and need some more, you must upgrade your package.